Handsome Bug
The Bloke spent the last 2 weeks of our Xmas visit in Perth in a funk and decidedly unwell. Visits to friends were postponed and eventually cancelled. Being ashore can make you sick. Really sick. Bouts of coughing, appalling coughing, almost choking coughing were accompanied by fatigue and lethargy. Bottles of Cough Mixtures were consumed. Hot honey and lemon drinks were helpful but sometimes the coughing was so intense that The Bloke had to be rapidly pushed into a hot and steamy shower when gasping and completely unable to breath. It was as if being strangled. The flu on steroids?
At the completion of nearly 2 courses of antibiotics there was little improvement. We'd returned to Mooloolaba and rather than heading off, we spent a couple of days on anchor before checking into the marina. If you're not well, it reduces the overall stress having access to some amenities and not worrying about the power situation or impending weather.
We visited a local doctors surgery. Tests were ordered. The results are below. It's a communicable and notifiable disease. What is Pertussis? It's the Whooping Cough. The Chinese ominously call it the "100 Day Cough"! OMG. The Bloke has already survived this infection as an infant. How is it that this 'Common disease of childhood' has been caught a 2nd time? Doesn't he have lifelong immunity?
Awful Bug
So here is the thing folks...Whooping Cough/Pertussis is a highly contagious but preventable disease but it's on the way back. Herd immunity has fallen to a level where there are small epidemics across the country (Reason: Anti-vaxers or Pro-disease parents - yes parents, are rejecting one of the key benefits of our modern world; medical science). It must be how The Bloke picked it up AND having had it before does not provide whole of life immunity AND it's not just a disease of childhood! As soon as the pathology came in, the GP was on the phone instructing The Bloke to send me in IMMEDIATELY and he'd see me straight away. Although symptom free, he wanted me on some pretty strong prophylactic Anti-Biotics in case I too might be contagious. The AB's would ensure I wouldn't be. The Bloke was already on a new powerful course to render him, not cured but noncontagious for the benefit of the rest of the community. There is actually no cure but the passage of time! The Chinese believe around 100 days. (ps I write at about the 90 day mark and confirm that this nasty, nasty bug has not yet let go. Nearly; but not yet).
If you need more information read this Government Brochure.
Immunisation boosters are needed through your lifetime as the vaccine is only effective for around 10 years. In fact Tetanus boosters are frequently combined with one for Pertussis and Diphtheria. What a bonus! That means that many adults will have had a booster and not even known it. Despite having had a Whooping Cough vaccination prior to Lily's birth 7 years ago, and the likely reason for remaining healthy, to be double sure, I've had a booster. It didn't cost much and is far preferable to catching and enduring that AWFUL BUG. Spread the word!
Jab selfie