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Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Two-Way Headset Hack

Alas our Marriage Saver two-way headsets only lasted as long as an average marriage, so for the last couple of years we’ve managed all our communications between bow and helm when anchoring, with hand signals. It’s been OK obviously, as we haven’t grounded or got divorced over miscommunications, but it has to be said that voice calls between bow and helm station are seldom effective. Sadly it is a fact that even “I love you” when yelled across 12.9m, in open and often windy conditions at a bit of a stressy time, will actually sound more like “F@#ck you” at the receiving end! We’ve been looking for a replacement solution that would cost less than $450 (the price of a new set) so that we could resume anchoring manoeuvres in a quieter and more conversational style.

FYI: Two-way radios are not the answer as they are not hands-free nor duplex. 

Our on-line reading had pointed to motorbike helmet blue-tooth intercom sets being a cost effective way to go. We were delighted to discover that Aldi were about to do one of their promotional sales with a motorbike theme that included bluetooth two-way headsets. I’m  an 'Aldi tragic' and love the ‘stuff’ in the centre ‘promotions’ aisles and am confident that quality is good and the price is better than allright!

Our timing to be ashore and in range of an Aldi store just happened to be perfect. The ballet tickets gifted to son and daughter-in-law for their birthdays necessarily came with babysitting provided (we had been informed by them).  So of course the babysitting was indeed offered, Zofia put into Scarborough Marina for the weekend and proximity to an Aldi store thus assured. Win-win. 

Components in packaging


Headset with ear padding removed

Headsets deconstructed  

Original headphone elements removed 

Inserting the new blue tooth microphone and speaker into the headphones

Reconstructing the ear fittings required notches to be cut to accommodate the wires

Attaching the controller and heat-shrinking the cabling across the headband

Helpful hints from our electronic maestro son and use of some of his finer screw drivers and files are acknowledged.

Project requirements: $130
2 x El-cheepo headphones $10 each
2 x Motorcycle blue-tooth kits $55 each

Optional - length of electrical shrinkwrap tube and 1 X  $5 zip-up shoe bag from Daiso for storage.

A fun father-and-son Fathers Day project - PRICELESS!

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