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Monday, August 26, 2013

Are we nearly there yet?

We can almost see the ocean, metaphorically speaking!
The girl finishes full time work this week and then can focus fully on packing up and squaring everything away for an extended absence. At least we'll get the voting out of the way before we go!
Met with our sailing partners from Urchin and Easy Tiger today and also met the crew from another boat called Annie who are thinking of tagging along too. Annie's crew are far more experienced than us so it was very beneficial to share experiences.
We all reviewed our progress. What is yet to be done and timelines in which it might be achieved. There is no doubt we are keeping up our end with keeping money circulating. We sure are doing a lot of shopping! We are working pretty collaboratively helping each other out in tangible ways. Extra hands on electrical tasks, extra eyes on research etc.
The kids think we are dead set crazy, they could be right but it's become our obsession. We WILL be casting off those leads and it's now becoming soon rather than being 12 months off!