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Wednesday, September 10, 2014

More Portland surprises

It was hard to judge who had the bigger surprise. The Bloke was wholly engrossed creating a fender board* on the jetty alongside the boat (head down and bum up as they say)when two fellows strolled up to check out Zofia. Looking up from his work, one of the faces looked familiar. "What are you doing here?!!" was the initial exchange of greetings. We hadn't seen Jeff for 3-4 years and neither Jeff nor the Bloke would reasonably have expected to have run into one another so far from Perth and on a jetty in Portland to boot. Jeff was visiting a former work colleague from his time in Darwin 30+ years ago. What followed was a wine or 3 (bottles that is) and a hangover the next day.

The Bloke with Jeff with one bottle of red on board.

Joy, from my book club, also sent us a couple of her friends to brighten up our day. They live locally having made the sea change to Portland from Melbourne around 4 years ago. It's hard to argue why you wouldn't. They live only 9km from town and on 6acres complete with free-range Koalas and all the other pleasures of a semi-rural lifestyle.

Ros and Mike came to call

Channeling a former working experience from just after his PhD studies, the Bloke added to our busy life assisting a local yatchie we'd met with his house move. If you've got a piano to shift, I've got just the man for you!

The Bloke aka 'The Removalist '.

Seeing as we also managed some further sightseeing in addition to all the socialising, I'm adding some more snaps to share.

Portland ANZAC memorial man.
His slightly inclined and tilted head gives pause for thought.

 Q. Why did the bird cross the road?
A. To visit he Botanic Garden with us!

 Wattle Bird in the blossoms

Spring is in the air

Checking the breeze

 Lovely new floating boat ramps
Portland has become well known for its Tuna. The word has got out beyond the local boundaries and the boat ramps, when the Tuna are running, have become so congested that the Shire built additional ones. It's one way to prevent carnage. The whole set-up is very large and impressive and hopefully will enhance peace, harmony and the all Australian way.

Church spire.
This is the new one. The old one is lying in the car park. Really!

The original Portland office of HM Customs

The original Town Hall

Our first ever sighting of a wild Koala Bear or should that be a Koala Bear in the wild? 
It was so big and plump it had to have been the one that ate all the leaves off that tree! 
Tiring work too it would seem, judging by how it was just flopping.

* A fender board is a long plank of wood that we'll hang off the side of the boat over the top of our fenders. Why? When we pull up alongside some wharves, or sea walls, our fenders will be insufficient. The board will be the buffer between the wall/wharf/jetty and our fenders. The plank s more durable than the fenders and wont transfer dirt to our hull. We look like we need one at our next destination - Port Fairy where we'll moor against a riverbank.


  1. You will definitely need the fender board having checked out the Port Fairy Jetties there are few large yachts in the Moyne thought they look like they have been tied up longer than Madhatter? When you get there can we suggest the Merrijig Inn, the oldest Inn in Victoria, a menu based on fresh local produce and a wine list which won't find you wanting and reasonably priced. Wish we were still there ! Regard Leanne and Phill

  2. Hi Madhatter II, Thank you for the heads up. We plan to arrive in Port Fairy on Saturday and possible stay a week or two. We will sample the various eateries on offer and possible celebrate Eva's birthday. See you soon.
