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Monday, October 20, 2014

Cycling to the Big Apple

On our way to the Bass Strait Maritime Centre we spotted a Garage Sale notice on the street verge. The Bloke had a 'light globe' moment inspired by the distance we'd already walked and thought he'd check if there were any old bikes for sale. As it happened the street had banded together and nearly every house had items for sale. Standing on one verge was a magenta girls bike with a helmet. The Bloke sent me over to check it out. Amazingly all in working order, I paid $50 and was immediately 'mobile'. Tick. Not to be defeated, the Bloke asked around if anyone had another bike for sale. The Dad from the same household seized the moment and retrieved a considerably less glamorous item from under the house. Glad to be rid of it and the Bloke an enthusiastic recipient, it was a case of the proverbial 'win-win'! In his option there was nothing that his tool box, lubricants and some air in the tyres couldn't improve. The Bloke was animated.

My bike was a simpler matter. A bit of air in the tyres and was all perfecto. The Bloke discovered he'd need a new rear inner tube but $5 and a visit to Kmart, plus a bit more walking to get it, really was all that was required. The brakes were a little dodgy and he didn't have a helmet but the Bloke decided he'd live dangerously for a couple of days. What a laugh we had. $55 spent was a whole lot less than a hire car and at the end of our stay we'd donate the bikes to the Yacht Club for the next cruisers or whomever. We've been fortunate enough to have been loaned cars on several occasions along the way and by the time you've repaid the favour with dinner, a bottle of wine or whatever it's pretty much the going rate! My request to at least keep my bike, was emphatically declined. I didn't fight the edict.

It was so much fun being able to go out on my own for groceries without the Bloke. Men's and women's shopping patterns are notably different and while possibly not as extreme as shown below (please note Roger!), being tagged by the Bloke in the supermarket is excruciating.

The signs on the bike path indicated that the township of Spreyton was just 6km away. A local wondered why we would possibly want to go there (a town with some light industries and a school) but it was an attainable destination via a bike path and the promise of a cafe and a bakery were irresistible the Bloke.

Frozen veggie plant en route.

We were never going to make it all the way to Cradle Mountain
.... but we know the way now - for 'next time'!

Cradle Mountain is an ominous backdrop and visible out to sea.
When sailing away from Devonport we thought it would never go away!

 The bike path was fantastic, had stunning vista's and must have cost a bomb... ou(G$T)ch!

 Our destination.
A fruit and veggie shop/bakery/coffee shop.
A worthy destination and if I recall correctly.... the Bloke bought himself a sausage roll!

A day with all the best inputs.

1 comment:

  1. You'r a brave man to highlight the difference in shopping patterns.... I knew I saw something in you that was brave... although possible slightly suicidal haha
