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Wednesday, February 12, 2014

30 Waypoints

The Bloke is a triumph of planning and conveniently divided our Great Australian Bight crossing route into 30 Waypoints spaced at 18nm intervals. If succeeding at 6kn it meant 3 hours per interval to cover the 550 nm. How stunningly simple!

Well this approach has been very useful to know when we'd made it 1/3rd the way across and then 2/3rds the way across etc. An objective is so much less daunting when broken into baby steps. A tip learned from those Ironman triathlon nutters. Yeh, we can learn stuff from our sons.

The time gaps between Waypoints have varied wildly. You have probably noticed. On one day we managed to make just one and then ended up conceding it the very next day. What a cruel day. More of that later.

For now, we have a single Waypoint to go before we have a number of small ones in sheltered water making our way into Streaky Bay.

We had to pull up nearly to a halt just now at Waypoint 29 - when the Bloke spotted something in the ocean - a fur seal. It took a dive before we could get a photo.

It looks like our journey will end up taking us 5 1/2 days. Others will have had shorter crossings. We promise to elaborate in days to come once we've had time to absorb this epic trip (it's epic for us anyway). In the end it will probably be a bit like childbirth... we'll forget some bits r e a l l y fast!

Who's shout will it be at the Streaky Bay pub tonight by the way? Mmmmm thinking some oysters too!


  1. Onya Brain & Eva. Youse are legends.

  2. Congratulations Guys! I have to agree, it is like childbirth ( this is Del by the way, Mark's view is completely different!). We had some horrible times and some not so horrible times and then some shorter times of enjoyment! Just have to mention that you should checkout so you can see the guy, Chuck Berry, skydiving and landing on Middle island. If you look real close you can see you guys anchored in the corner. That was the whop, whop, you mentioned. I'm sure that you know all about it, but it's a fantastic bit of footage which really shows off the island and particularly the pink lake.
    Enjoy Streaky and make the most of the cafe in front of the anchorage and the pub across the road. Well done again.
