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Saturday, February 22, 2014

Far out, brussel sprout!

The Bloke has been operating on some weird overdrive. Off to shore for more water, ULP fuel etc... and all before breakfast. A voice in his head drives him on to get everything done; repaired, cleaned etc... So the hit list for today included checking the rudder and propeller plus turning the outerhaul rope around.

The underwater inspection was masterfully achieved by attaching the GoPro camera in its waterproof case to a boat hook. 100% successful operation to confirm all is in order. The Bloke was on top of his game.

Now for the outerhaul. It probably needs replacing after 6 years and will definitely become a part of our spare ropes inventory by the time we lay up in Port Lincoln. It's not that this rope is frayed, rather that it's become flattened where it routinely gets clamped in the jammer to retain the main sail when it's dragged out. This flattening makes it inclined to slip ever so slightly once we've taken it off the winch. It's a 'no brainer': it's trouble in the offing.

We made a trip to shore for a coffee, scones and to give the bay a good looking at. I was left to run some errands (shopping) while the Bloke returned to continue with his mission. When he returned to collect me, the outboard cut out as it hit the weed. Rowing was accompanied by loud grumbling I could even hear from the shore. Had I been gone too long? Well probably, yes. Was the Bloke hungry? Well probably, yes. But I did have a cooked chicken and bread rolls in my back pack, all would surely be forgiven.

The question about how his morning had gone was cautiously delivered. Kapow! That's when I got the vivid detail. I had earlier had a nanosecond's thought as we left the boat for the shore, that the length of mousing cord being cable-tied to the end of the outerhaul was a bit ambitious. And it was. Note to self: No shortcuts for this one....stitch it on in the time proven way. Anyway, the mousing cord had come off. At some point, our coil of mousing cable must have been enlisted in one of those misguided 'ah ha' moments. It's a massively useful bit if DIY kit that has pushed and pulled cables up the mast and around the wiring run-throughs around Zofia, and several other boats too. Probably our most frequently loaned 'tool'. Alas, never to be loaned again. End of days for the mousing cable is the Streaky Bay sea bed! And just in case your mind is straying to the 'Why not just dive in a retrieve it?' line of thinking, I'll just mention that the professional fishermen informed us of a number of smallish sharks that had been sighted off the end of the jetty. Smallish as compared to what? Your finger? Your car? Not checking!

To add to the general agro, a piece of the strapping that restrains the Bimini tore off. Oh, the grumbling. FGS eat up your lunch and have a sleep! His floppy hat wasn't worn and the Bloke got a 'spot of Sun' so he was dispatched to bed with 2 panadol. When he woke it was time to Skype Lily for her 4th birthday and the cabin now looked like this.....

All our Teddies were enlisted to sing 'Happy Birthday Lily'!

... WOW those panadols are powerful... might have a few more!

We had a shower prior to heading out for drinkies on Easy Tiger. When wiping up after us, the bathroom hatch cover handle came off in my hand. Doh!.....So you might just say that I just topped off the day!

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