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Sunday, January 26, 2014

Leg 14 Esperance to 'The Duke'

All being well the calm conditions will stay until after 'stupid o'clock' and enable us to exit this pen at EBYC with most of our ducco. We are all keen to get moving again.
We leave in a few hours so no time to elaborate just now nor tell you about the EBYC 50th Anniversary bash last night. We'll hold that over until later and hope that there might be at least 1 bar near the anchorage.... Internet bar strength that is!


  1. Sorry we didn't get to catch up for that wine and nibbles, but we were waiting for a break in the wind! Hope you had a good sail and are safely moored at the Duke? We will follow your blog and hope to keep in touch.
    Del & Mark (Norlee)

    1. Hi Mark, Thank you for all the help we are at the Duke and have been able to put the anchor into a small patch of sand. All is holding so far. The anchorage is just great and it is exciting to be back with our sailing partners. We plan to leave here on Saturday for Middle. Then wait for the next southerly change to launch across the bight. Again thank you for all the assistance and friendship in Esperance. Happy sailing and fair winds.

    2. Enjoy Middle and make sure you do some exploring. If you get the chance google it. It has a bit of a chequered, but interesting past including it's own pirate!! It is also full of small wallabies, Tamar wallabies I think. We are looking forward to getting over there and maybe Daw Island as well, in March.
      Enjoy The Bight!! Del
