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Thursday, January 2, 2014

She's fallen in the water

We have just arrived in Bremer Bay, a beautiful spot, which we intend to sample for a few days. Well the locals were giving us a lot of attention and we must say the "Natives" are friendly. The "Polish" princess always likes a chat and on scooping up a local who was passing on a surf ski, she decided an extended discourse was required. So she had better capture this one by grabbing his paddle. Note to self when leaning off the back of Zofia, the swim ladder is not fixed to the boat, so always grab the hand rail. You guessed it, in she went, wet all the way to her armpits.  In true princess style, however, she emerged with DRY hair. How does she do that? We have no photographic evidence of this event other than the clothes drying on the railings. You do however know, that the Bloke only speaks the truth - so IT DID happen!


  1. some have style, some seek style, well done Ev"s we all know you have style even when falling in the drink

  2. Thank God it wasn't the other way 'round!!

    Boat Log: Bloke fell in, I saw nothing, I heard nothing, proceeding on.
    Love Eva. ♥

  3. The Bloke is such a snitch! If I hadn't owned up he never would have known. I must say that Farmer Dave from Bordin was a bit taken aback.
